Welcoming February into my home with fresh flowers and plants, easy coffee table styling, a wall decor swap, a few small changes to the dining area mantel and hutch, and, of course, some Valentine hearts.
Welcome February!
It’s February!
And the wintry weather continues.
It is snowing as I write, on Thursday. There is more forecast for this coming Sunday, next Thursday, and then the following Saturday into Sunday. We aren’t talking feet of snow, but several inches here and there. And with temps below freezing, it will stick around.
You will hear no complaints from me. I enjoy a winter that looks and feels like, as it should, winter.
As we move into and through February, though, I can sense a shift. Sunset is edging closer to 5:00. The light is different. And my thoughts drift towards spring to come…eventually.
Accordingly, I felt the urge to make a few changes around the home.
A little cleaner. Fresher. Brighter.
But still cozy!
I made a wall decor swap in the living room. Brought in a new plant. Re-styled the coffee table. Made a a few changes to the dining area mantel and hutch. And of course added a few Valentine hearts.
Join me for a little spin around my February home!
Living Room Wall Art Swap
I finally made a change in the living room that I have been thinking about for a while.
When I brought home the beautiful antique European marriage cabinet (read all about how I found that special piece HERE), it displaced a few favorite pieces of wall art.
I found a spot for one of the pieces in another room, but the others were just tucked away in storage.
And I missed them. Especially the gorgeous 19th century hand-colored PJ Selby engraving of two seagulls that I bought at an auction.
At the same time, the grouping of vintage Shaker cheese baskets that graced the wall to the right of sofa had sort of run their design course for me.
I loved the texture and graphic impact they provided, but they were feeling heavy to me. And definitely more primitive than my style.
There are already so many nail holes in that wall, so I thought, why not give some art a try?!
One issue, though, is that the thermostat for the living room is hung smack dab in the middle of that wall. (Why do contractors do this???) I had managed to hide the thermostat with one of the baskets, but that would not work with art.
So I hung the etching, centered over the side table next to the sofa. And then a vintage watercolor to the right and above the thermostat.
It was the best that I could do, but, admittedly, a weird arrangement. Plus, it draws the eye to the thermostat.
To make it look purposeful and to hide the thermostat a bit, I bought a tall and wide plant and placed it on the wooden chair that has always sat in that spot.
The artwork feels fresh and light. And the plant adds a bright pop of green to that corner of the room that is particularly welcome this time of year.
Win win!
The side table
On a quick side-note, I don’t believe I have ever highlighted the side table shared by the sofa and loveseat.
It is a cool antique piece I got years ago at a flea market in Virginia. I am not sure whether the intricate design on the top is painted or inlaid, but it is wonderful. And the skirt and legs are beautifully carved too.
I love how the table, wicker lamp, and fabric shade together all pick up on the colors in the seagull engraving that hangs above them.
Design is in the details!
Now to fill in all the nail holes and touch up the paint!
Coffee Table Styling
I gradually restyled the coffee table display throughout January.
And now that it is February I finally have it at a place that I am happy with!
I kept the basket o’ books, just swapping out a few for volumes with covers in softer hues.
On the opposite end of the table I stacked two vintage books that have wonderful blue and white paper jackets depicting a sailing ship at sea. I scored them recently at an antiques store for just $2.50 each! I always keep my eye out for books with nice covers when out antiquing.
Check out my post Books in a Basket Add Color, Texture, & Personality to Your Home for more tips on decorating with antique and vintage books!
When I shared some pics of the coffee table on Instagram recently, I got many comments on the stack of blue and white dishes — a platter topped by a shallow bowl filled with “smalls”: two asparagus servers, a few little plates, a tea strainer, and a small ladle. I moved it to the coffee table from the side table. Grouping like “bits and bobs” together like this gives them some presence and makes them stand out more.
A simple glass vase filled with white roses is clean and elegant. White like the snow, but still holding the promise of spring to come! And a slight nod to Valentine’s Day.
A pretty shaped blue and white dish and a candle in a pale blue glass container are the finishing touches. This time of year I love a fresh citrus-scented candle! I got this one at HomeGoods.
Block Print Tablecloth
Tablecloths aren’t just for dining tables!
I added a bit of soft color and pattern to the table in the corner of the living room with a block print cloth. A bit of a cozier look for winter, while still looking fresh.
I had wanted to share this tablecloth in my January post Baby, It’s Cold Outside. But Inside It’s Cozy, Bright, and Warm! but it was delayed shipping from India. I generally have good luck when I order things from overseas through Etsy, but this one took longer than expected. I am very happy with it now that I have it, though!
Block print tablecloth link:
Dining Room Mantel and Hutch
In December I put the stripey blue-and-white Cornishware dishes away for the winter and replaced them with some of my mom’s antique blue and white transferware. I added some foraged branches, greenery, pinecones, a collection of pottery Santas, and a cardboard star. I also added branches, greenery, and stars to the the dining room mantel.
You can see photos and read all the details in my post An Enchanted Coastal Maine Winter Forest Holiday Dining Room.
After the holidays, I put away the Santas and stars.
And then as we entered February, I removed the greenery and added some faux snowdrop blooms. Because the small white snowdrops bloom in the winter months, between January and March, they symbolize hope, rebirth, and the arrival of spring. They look lovely combined in a natural arrangement with the lichen covered branches I already had on the hutch and mantel.
I bought my faux snowdrops back in 2021 from Amazon, and unfortunately they are no longer available. I scoured the internet looking for a substitute for you, but only found the ones linked below, which aren’t quite the same. Faux paperwhites, narcissus, or grape hyacinths would be an alternative.
I am so happy with how the hutch and mantel decor I pulled together for the holidays has transitioned, with just a few small tweaks, to early and mid winter.
I think it might be time to take the branches down in March, though!
Faux snowdrop flowers:
A Few Hearts for Valentine’s Day
I don’t really decorate for Valentine’s Day, but I can’t resist putting out a few hearts.
I made the wooden “spongeware” heart garland several years ago. Each February, I hang it on the corner hutch.
And last year I sewed some fabric hearts to display in the stack of wooden bowls on the dining table.
You can read more about each of these projects, plus more Valentine’s Day fun, in last year’s blog post From Maine With Love, Hearts, Flowers, Chocolate, and… Lobster!
Heart garland supplies:
This Week Into Next
I am sorry I went MIA on you last Saturday. I had hoped to get a blog post written before I left for St. Paul on Friday. But it was a busy week.
And then things went completely sideways on Wednesday when Maddie had an encounter with a porcupine when we were out for a walk in the woods.. She is fine, but it turned into quite the evening, finding her and extricating her from the heavy brush and snow, then taking her to the emergency clinic to have the quills removed. They sedated her for the procedure and she was still pretty loopy when we left the clinic. I opened the car door for her when we got home and she fell head-first into a snow bank! Poor girl!
The week ended on a high, though! I had a wonderful trip to St. Paul to celebrate Jamie’s 2nd birthday. He is at such a fun age! I can’t tell you how it warmed my heart to hear his sweet little voice call out to me. The birthday crown I sewed for him was a big hit! In fact, he was wearing it in a video my daughter sent on Thursday. Keep the celebration going, my boy!
Behind the scenes, I have been working on some fun brand collaborations. I can’t wait to share them with you in the next month or so!
And not a collaboration, but you know I always like to promote local small businesses: if you are looking for a sweet Maine treat for Valentine’s Day, check out Bixby Chocolate, a craft chocolate confectionary right here in our little seaside town! I have already placed several orders with them…
I am not much of a football fan, but I will probably have the big game on in the background on Sunday. It is fun to see the commercials and half-time show.
I will be working on a fun sewing project this weekend — an article of clothing! If it turns out well, I will share it with you!
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
I’m so sad to hear about the run in with a porcupine. I hope she’s okay now. I’d have thought that porcupines hibernate in the Winter. I’m such a dog lover and enjoy seeing your two on all your blogs. Love to see a video clip sometime of them.
Hi Marge — Don’t know if you saw the photos of Mads I posted on IG, but she really looked so sad. In actuality she was fine with the quills, not so much with the trip to the vet, ha. I think she might have disturbed the porcupine in its winter resting spot. There was a tree that had fallen and left a hole where the roots were. Looks like it would be a cozy spot to pass the winter — until some silly dog comes nosing after you! Videos are tricky to post on the blog, but I have posted videos on IG!
I do not understand why contractors stick the thermostat smack dab in the middle of walls, always in the most inconvenient spots. My guess that it’s because most of them are men. Our newly built home suffered from the same treatment, but, fortunately, my husband was able to move it easily to another spot. It might be worth it to look into having yours moved. We often use up a lot of energy trying to disguise, or not see a problem.
Hi Maria — Lucky you to have a handy husband! I am fine living with the solution I came up with. Nothing is too perfect in my home, anyway!
I really love your blog, and your perspective n decorating and life in general. Thank you!
Hi Maria — Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy you enjoy my blog and am grateful that you have joined me here!
I just love what you did with that stretch of wall in living room! The pictures are just wonderful! You did a very artful job of hiding the thermostat. I also love that little side table. I never sit in that location, so I am sorry to say I never noticed it before. It is a real gem.
Hi Liss — Thanks! It is not a perfectly-hung wall of art, but I have to say I kind of like that about it. I had the side table in the living room in Bethesda. It is such a sweet piece that usually goes unnoticed. Had to give it its moment in the limelight!
While I can’t see the balance of the whole wall, using my mind’s eye after looking at photos of the other half of the wall, I think it is perfectly balanced. You have put new things in place that perfectly balance the wardrobe and highlight the central picture over the couch and then seamlessly draw the eye over to the pictures on the next wall. You have Mom’s impeccable eye.
Thanks, Liss! Mom certainly did have the eye!
So good to have you back Molly! I love the changes you’ve made in the living room, and what a clever use of the plant to hide the thermostat. Poor Maddie and poor YOU. That sounded traumatic all around. Looking forward to all the happenings you have going…lots to look forward to.
Hi Julie! The living room is feeling so bright and cozy these days! I was pleased with the plant idea too. I love the pop of green in that corner! I am just glad I was able to find Maddie in the woods — fortunately she started barking. The woods are so dense once you venture off the path. All is good now. Now to figure out how to keep her from visiting her “friend” next time we walk there…
Poor Maddie! Glad she is better. I really like the simple changes and lovely end table. I think the art looks great, I always hang mine sorta off because it delights me so to get the feel of browsing an art gallery. Love all the small blue ceramics on the coffee table and I actually thought your DIY wooden hearts were ceramic at first glance. so sweet. my favorite thing is the view out the window with the many shore birds. From that vantage point they look like they are really outside walking along the shoreline. We don’t have views like that here in south Florida! when you say sunset is inching toward 5 does that mean it is staying lighter longer or darker? I’m thinking lighter. in that case what time has sunset been occurring up there? Seems like I live on the opposite side of the moon from your parts 🙂 Looking forward to February…January was a beast, ugh.
Hi Pamela! Thank you, Maddie is doing fine. I am just worried she will go back to visit her “friend” when we walk there again… I love my carved wooden bird collection, but they are often hard to photograph because of the window. The light was perfect this time, though! And yes, I also like the casual look of artwork that isn’t hung perfectly. It makes it look more like a collection that has been added to over time. Daylight hours are getting longer here. In late December/early January, the sun sets just before 4:00 here. So early! That is one of the hardest things for me about living in Maine. It always feels so hopeful as the days get longer, though!
Your home is so very welcoming. I love the decor and how you display all of your wonderful collections. I imagine when guests walk thru the front door, it feels as if your home is giving them a great, big warm hug!
Hi Liz — Such a kind thing to say! That is exactly how I want my home to feel. And I can’t help myself — I am a collector at heart!
Also, we are in looking for bamboo roll up blinds like the ones in your living room if you care to share your thoughts. I looked in your search bar but dint see that. Thank you.
I wrote a blog post on window treatments that links my exact bamboo shades. They are from Select Blinds. Here is the link to the blog post: https://mollyinmaine.com/coordinating-window-treatments-in-an-open-floor-plan-space/.
Dear Molly,
I so look forward to “Molly In Maine” on Saturday mornings that I was concerned about you when you didn’t post. I’m relieved that you are well, your personal delivery of your”boy’s” crown was delightful, and that sweet Maddie has recovered.
You’ve inspired me to collect wooden bowls for our dining table. My stack is complete and I’m going to sew fabric hearts to fill the top bowl while the guys watch the big game on Sunday.
With loving appreciation of your Saturday morning postings
Diney in Mercer Island,
Hi Diney! I am so happy to hear that you have a stack of wooden bowls. Did you get the hearts done? I would love to see a photo!
That was a very clever use of a plant, Molly! I saw the photo of Maddie and her quills on Instagram. I can just picture her falling out of your vehicle! Glad she’s ok.
Hi Jane — I had a smaller plant there that was on its last legs and when I was looking at the wall, all of a sudden it occurred to me what I needed! I love the pop of green it adds to that corner! And yes, poor Mads. She was so loopy from the sedative, ha. She keeled over on her side as she headed for the stairs too, ha.
Molly … I’m enjoying all your seasonal changes and that gorgeous end table. But I can’t stop thinking about Maddie and the porcupine. Oh my goodness. Poor baby. Hope she’s on the mend and feeling herself again. xo
Hi Juliet — It was a rather traumatic incident — for both of us, ha! But she is all better now. I will still need some time before I walk her over there again… I hear you are under the weather. Feel better!