Warm days and cool nights. Sunlight sparking on blue water. Lush gardens and farm stands overflowing with fresh produce. It’s late August, and I am still making the most of summer in Maine!

I’m Back!

Hello, friends!

I am back after a break from both the blog and Instagram.

For the last two weeks I have had various combinations of my kids and grandkids at the house.

It was so wonderful!

Wonderfully crazy most of the time — with up to 9 adults, two toddlers, 3 dogs, and two cats in the house at a time.


There was a full refrigerator and a constantly messy kitchen.

Daily trips to the beach.

And to the transfer station with trash, recycling, and compost.

Climbing the rocks and skipping stones at the lighthouse.

Climbing rocks and skipping stones at the lighthouse

Plenty of deck time.

So many showers, baths, dishwasher runs, and loads of laundry that it necessitated an emergency visit by the septic guy…

Lots of “snacks” dropped on the floor by little hands for Maddie and Cisco to gobble up.

Board books, bubbles, and blocks.

We celebrated all the summer birthdays. And then I celebrated mine again with a dinner out with just Leah and Jamie.

Tiny shoes, beach bags always packed and ready, birthday cheers

And then, inevitably, everyone headed back to their own busy lives.

Leaving me with a full, and, at the same time empty, heart.

You all know me as “Molly in Maine”, blogger and content creator.

But really, in my truest form I am simply a mom. And now a grandmother.

Once all the “kids” leave, it always takes me a few days to transition back to Molly in Maine.

So, I am keeping this post brief, with more photos.

Because, while my summer guests have all come and gone, I am still enjoying summer!

Late Summer

Let me be clear.

It is August — definitely still summer in my book.

In fact, I enjoy “summer” well after Labor Day and into September.

These late summer days are actually my favorites.

Warm days and cool nights.

Sunlight sparkling on blue water, as a sailboat glides by on the horizon.

The hum of a lobster boat, idling as it hauls traps up from the ocean floor.

The limelight hydrangeas are in full bloom!

My limelight hydrangea hedge (all 26 plants!) in full bloom.

And the wildflower meadow bursting with life — tall grasses, delicate Queen Ann’s Lace, bright goldenrod. Bees and butterflies flitting from blossom to blossom.

The wildflower field is buzzing with life!

The local farm stands overflowing with summer’s bounty — tomatoes of all colors, just-picked lettuces, zucchini and green beans. Happy sunflowers and rainbow-hued zinnias standing in buckets of water.

Farm stands overflowing with summer’s bounty

Vacationers and locals alike lingering at the dock in the morning with a cup of coffee.

The harbors full of pleasure boats and the local fishing co-op buzzing with activity.

Coffee on the dock in town and the local fishing co-op

Our little beach full of families — parents trying to sneak in a few pages of their summer read, children exploring the tide pools, dogs chasing balls, and hardy souls taking a quick dip in the chilly water.

At the beach — lots of rocks, of course!

Today I am sharing all the beauty of late summer in Maine!

I hope these images help to prolong this magical season for you too!

The harbors are still full of boats.

This Week Into Next

Banana Republic Factory Store

After I dropped Leah and Jamie at the airport on Thursday, I stopped in Freeport at the outlets.

I needed a little retail therapy…

And boy did I find the deals at the Banana Republic Factory Store!

I think BR has done some rebranding since I last shopped there. The racks were full of simple classics that I know I will reach for again and again.

In fact, I liked what I saw so much, that I did some online shopping when I got home.

Everything was 50% off, plus an extra 20% off on summer styles. I got shorts for $12, chinos for $20, and more! These pieces will be great for late summer and transitioning to early fall.

I definitely recommend you check out the Banana Republic Factory Store website!

A new-to-me cookbook

An interesting salad made with lots of fresh produce might be my favorite type of food.

Particularly this time of year.

A friend of mine knows me well — she gifted me a new-to-me cookbook, Salads: Beyond the Bowl by Mindy Fox, for my birthday.

I can’t wait to dig into it!

It is an older cookbook, from 2012, so I found a used copy of it for just $1.51 on Amazon, which I have linked below. I am sure you can google it to find other copies.

That’s it for today!

Next week I will be sharing some late summer/transitional decor. Can you believe Labor Day weekend is upon us?!

I hope you have all had a great summer. I certainly have!

Be well!


Highlighting coastal decor and lifestyle, Maddie and Cisco, and the way life should be...