Homeworthy is coming to do a home tour video shoot on Tuesday, and I am thick in the midst of getting ready! Today I am taking a little break from the prep work to share some peeks at all that is going on here — cleaning, styling, weeding, planting, painting, and yes, even my first experience with a pressure washer!


Are you familiar with Homeworthy?

I know I have shared them at least once here on the blog.

If, somehow, you haven’t heard of them, you are going to thank me.

You are welcome!

Homeworthy is a media platform that features interior design video tours of homes from around the world.

Their tagline is “Every home has a story.”

The neat thing about these tours is that there is no professional script or styling. They are just an informal tour by the homeowner, sharing what they love about their home.

Homeworthy was founded in 2019 by Emmy award-winning producer Alison Kenworthy as “a way of showcasing how homes shape peoples’ lives.”

I think it is truly a unique — and very personal — spin on the traditional design “show”. A fun look at real homes and the people who live there.

I have to admit I have become a bit addicted.

So, I definitely encourage you to check out some of the over 300 home tours on the Homeworthy website!

To get you started, here are a few of my favorites:

Co-Founder of Kate Spade and Frances Valentine Opens Her NYC Townhouse

A Converted Boathouse Becomes a Beautiful Home on the Island of Nantucket

A Bright and Airy Apartment in Newport Beach, California

Inside a Gut-Renovated 115-year-old Victorian Home in California

Cottagecore Interior Design From California to New York

Interior Designer Sean Symington’s Traditional Victorian Terrace in Bath, England

A Colorful & Chic Home in Palm Beach

The Country Home and Gardens of Interior Designer Bunny Williams

Grab a drink and settle in for a watch marathon!

Oh, but wait!

First, please finish reading my blog post!

Prep For My Shoot

I filled the pots on the deck with blooms.

The shoot

I was, of course, thrilled when Homeworthy reached out way back in March.

I suggested a June date, because, well, you all know how I feel about spring here in Maine…

Plus, that would give me time to get some projects done around the house.

And now, all of a sudden it seems, June is here.

And the shoot is on Tuesday.

I am excited, of course.

But also kind of terrified.

You probably understand that I am much more comfortable behind the camera. Behind the scenes.

But this is an amazing opportunity, and I am honored to have been invited.

I also realize how important it is in retirement to continue to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone.

But still, there are the surface worries. What am I going to wear? And how to style my hair? How much makeup is too much and how much is not enough?

And then the deeper fears and insecurities. How awkward will I be? What if I forget my words? Will the house look okay? Is my home truly “worthy”?

All the other homeowners appear so put-together, poised, and well-spoken and their homes look perfect.

It will be me and the videographer here on Tuesday, with someone directing the whole tour remotely.

I just need to pretend that you, friend, have come for a visit and I am showing you around!

I can’t wait to see you!

But please, also send positive and encouraging vibes my way!

The prep

And then there is all the prep work — cleaning, styling, and a few small projects I have wanted to knock off for a while.

It is always nice to have some impetus…

I had expected to have some help getting the gardens ready. But the woman who had agreed to do the work, suddenly ghosted me.

I haven’t heard a peep from her since early May, despite my reaching out several times. That happens around here.

So I have been playing in the dirt. Weeding, planting, and trimming.

And I have to say, most of it is looking pretty good!

Last weekend I painted the ceiling in the mudroom to match the wall color. I love how it makes the small space feel more cohesive.

Will anyone who watches my tour notice?! Most likely not…

Then yesterday I had my first experience with a pressure washer. It started with a few tears when my just-out-of-the-box new washer kept tripping the GFCI plug for some unknown reason.

But ended in success — all the mildew and lichens that grow on things here on the coast miraculously washed clean from the guest cottage porch. A wonder tool!

This weekend I will take it to some areas of the main house.

I have hung buoys and stitched a lampshade slipcover.

Filled the pots on the deck with flowers.

Placed bright green ferns in baskets on the two patios out front.

Now there remains last minute tidying, cleaning, and styling.

I need to wash some slipcovers.

Maybe touch up the paint on the doors.

Buy some flowers.

And then take a deep breath.

But I still haven’t decided — what will I wear??

This Week Into Next

After next Tuesday, I am looking forward to sitting back and relaxing a bit.

Maybe I will watch a few Homeworthy episodes while enjoying a glass of wine.

School is ending here for the summer, so that means I also get a vacation from my weekly volunteer work with the food pantry. I am passionate about feeding our local school children as part of the Weekend Meals Program, but it is a significant time commitment each week. It will be nice to have a break, especially with summer guests starting to arrive soon.

But first…

Next Friday I head to my niece’s wedding in Milwaukee, followed by a several-day cousins reunion in Chicago. When we were young, the cousins all spent most of August at our grandparents’ outside Chicago.

It will be fun to once again spend some time together!

And yes, I would love to make August-in-Maine a tradition with our grandchildren!

My dress hunt

Speaking of what to wear, finding a dress for my niece’s wedding turned into quite the ordeal.

We don’t have a lot of shopping options here in small-town Maine, so I spent hours scouring the internet for that perfect dress.

Except I didn’t really have a vision of what that looked like.

I finally ordered one that I thought might work. When it arrived, I excitedly opened the package only to find that they had sent the entirely wrong (and might I add inappropriately short and frilly) dress. So back it went.

I ordered another dress that I was very excited about. Though I loved it, it just didn’t fit well. It went back too.

I spent time looking at Rent the Runway without any success.

On a whim, I popped into my favorite local boutique, 412 in Rockland.

And walked out minutes later with the perfect dress.

Now why didn’t I go there first??

Blog posts

TBD if I will be posting next Saturday.

I need to see how I feel after Tuesday and before I leave on my trip.

On Thursday this week, though, I published a bonus blog post: Box Pleated Lampshade Slipcover Step-by-Step Tutorial. In it I also shared tips on painting an inexpensive candlestick lamp to get a designer look, plus shopping links if you don’t feel like sewing your own shade cover.

And last week’s post was a comprehensive guide Shedding the Light on Lampshades.

I promise I won’t write about lampshades again for a while here.

A short post this week! Time for me to get back to my prep work.

Wish me luck on Tuesday, friends!


Highlighting coastal decor and lifestyle, Maddie and Cisco, and the way life should be...